Community Membership

Finding love should be a community project.

Please choose from the below options to join as an annual community member of With You Matchmaking!

  • join my matchmaking list or support your beloved(s) joining my matchmaking list!
  • quarterly newsletter with updates on my work, local events, and more
  • join my matchmaking list or support your beloved(s) joining my matchmaking list!
  • quarterly newsletter with updates on my work, local events, and more
  • you or a beloved gets a free intro call/meeting with Ali
  • join my matchmaking list or support your beloved(s) joining my matchmaking list!
  • quarterly newsletter with updates on my work, local events, and more
  • you or a beloved gets a free intro call/meeting with Ali 
  • custom love & connection themed block print card
  • join my matchmaking list or support your beloved(s) joining my matchmaking list!
  • quarterly newsletter with updates on my work, local events, and more
  • custom love & connection themed block print card 
  • you or a beloved gets 2 free intro calls/meetings with Ali

Oftentimes finding love can be challenging and isolating, and matchmaking is a way to accompany people in the process while offering match ideas to tangibly support people in the process of finding love. This is why I started With You Matchmaking. I am optimistic about love and remain immensely hopeful on behalf of everyone I work with. 

I am asking my communities – Do you believe that you or your beloved friends & family would benefit from having access to a community matchmaker? Make this vision a reality through supporting this matchmaking project!

After three years of matchmaking informally, last year I went down in hours at my day job to commit to matchmaking one full day a week (on Fridays). This shift has allowed me to dedicate significantly more time to matchmaking – talking with new people joining my list, inquiring about matches, connecting potential matches, connecting with matchmakers in other cities, and building my matchmaking infrastructure. I have over 170 people on my list currently. 

I dream of a community where people seeking love and friendship could turn to a community-funded matchmaker to support them in finding what they are looking for, as most matchmaking in the U.S is to the tune of thousands of dollars. I want to provide this to communities in a way that is sustainable for me, sustainable for people on my matchmaking list, and sustainable for our broader community. 

In order to continue doing this work sustainably for myself, this project needs to generate income. Aligned with my mission, I do not want to ask individuals on my list to pay exorbitant amounts of money to receive my matchmaking support. So, I am turning to my communities as a whole, including those on my matchmaking list, and asking you to consider becoming a community member of my matchmaking work – contributing $36-$144/a year to allow you and/or your beloveds to receive matchmaking from me (which breaks down to $3-12/ a month).

I do not want to make this community member fee a necessity for joining or being on my list – because I want my list to be financially accessible to all. And I actually *need* people to join my list! So, I ask that you join my list without hesitation, and pay the community membership fee if you can, but do not feel any obligation to pay it if you can’t or if it would prevent you from joining my list. If you have a beloved friend or family member who you want to support in their process of finding love or partnership, and have wondered how you can do that tangibly, supporting my matchmaking work is one way to do that (and connecting them to me if they aren’t already on my list!)

As a community member of my matchmaking project, know that your membership supports not only the matchmaking you or a beloved is receiving, but the broader community as a whole. 

You are invited to become a community member by paying $36-$144/ a year. Thank you for literally making my matchmaking work possible.